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Showing posts from November, 2015

How to Change or Reset Always Settings In Android

Complete Action Using - Default Setting Every Android app developers wish to attain the maximum number of users for their app. To achieve this developer will append extra features into their application, making it capable to do multitasking, so an application which you downloaded for a specific task may do several others task as well, As a result of two or more application installed in the device, which will essentially do a similar task, hence when a file/link attempted to open, Application's capable of processing the file/link will be categorized and prompt to make a selection between two choices either Always or Just Once. When "Just Once" is opted then each time it will prompt to make choices between applications which one to choose with under which category either "Just Once or Always" . But if Always is selected, from then on the file/link will be opened in the same application every time without pestering for selection from the list of application

How to Delete Sent, But not Delivered WhatsApp Messages

Texting is easy and comfortable than speaking because you will have enough time to think what you want to send (or) sometimes you may find it creepy to speak straight looking into their eyes, because when you are not sure, what you're about to talk is right or wrong, we may face a lot of inconveniences to stay in a position to talk, so most of the people opt for texting rather than speaking. Perhaps even texting can also lead you to embarrassment when you text the wrong message to the right person (or) the right message to the wrong person. If you realize immediately that either the message was wrong or the recipient was not the appropriate one to receive before it reaches to their device, then it's not too late to recall it back in WhatsApp. Read Also: Know How to Recover Deleted WhatsApp Chat Messages What is the meaning for the Whatsapp Check Marks? Whenever a message is typed on WhatsApp and enter key is pressed, then the message will go through 4 different sta