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Showing posts from December, 2014

Check If Installed Antivirus is Working and Guarding Computer or Not

Do you doubt your antivirus? If yes, then test your Antivirus whether its really guarding your computer against virus and malware, because having an Antivirus software installed doesn't mean you're really protected and free from security threats. You might have spent a huge amount of money on antivirus software's to protect your computer from virus, malware, Trojan, etc. but it's very much important to keep it up to date and enabled to block any suspicious threats because every day thousands of new virus definition's have been created and spread around the internet, so the existing preventive algorithm's of your antivirus may fail to detect and defend the new threats. Read Also: Internet Banking? Know these 10 Safety Tips for Secure Banking By default, only users running Windows 8 and later versions don't require any third-party tools separately to be installed, to stay protected from virus, spyware and other malicious software, because it comes wi

How to Know Who View's and Spy on your Facebook Profile

Facebook, when launched it, claimed that it will interconnect friends and family online, then later suggest its user's to integrate people with the same taste, thereby it interconnects people from any part of the world, which increase the number of friends on Facebook, so if you're a Facebook member you can have a maximum of 5000 friends on Facebook, most probably 90% of people were anonymous in your friend list, who are allowed to view, like, comment and share your status and post, which becomes a major threat to maintain privacy. However, with the help of Facebook privacy policy, you can restrict (or) limit users and search engines from seeking your account, and also partition your friends into different categories and groups such as close friends, acquaintances, family, etc. Read Also:  How to post blank status and comments on Facebook Find who views your Facebook profile  What are "People you may know   On Facebook" ? - With the help of the informat

Pen Drive Detected but Not Shown in My Computer Problem Fixed

Did you know! Around 60% of removable media devices such as USB flash drives and Pen drives were dumped for software errors, thinking it does not work any longer, which requires only a simple troubleshoot, in some rare cases even new devices were also kept idle (or) dumped else return back to retailer reporting as a faulty device. And one common issue to dump/destroy the removable media disk is "Drives detected but not listed on my computer", for accessing files and folders in it. This could occur due to the accidental removal of device drive letter from the system volume (or) failure of the Operating System to name and partition the drive volume at the time of installing the device driver files. The drive letter is the name of the drives (system volume) which is used as an address by the operating system to access the drive , so removing the identity of the driver will probably remove it from my computer list. Read Also: How to increase computer speed with pendrive b