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Showing posts from December, 2010

Make Your Computer Speak Using Notepad - Text To Speech Conversion

Make Your Computer Speak Using Notepad Listening to your own voice on a computer after recording with a microphone is pretty amazing which sounds relatively different than your own voice. And there are some people who look different and sound different which makes them look funny. If you're an android mobile phone user most probably you have this app called Tom Cat that makes you "laugh out loud" listening to your own voice. Because this cat will listen to your voice and repeat it with the same slang in its own funny voice. But have you ever thought of making your computer to repeat everything with a strange computer voice by commanding it with text? There are several things to explore in windows that you may not know, and one simple thing is a Text to speech conversion with notepad. Read Also: How to use two Whatsapp account in one mobile device without rooting Why Windows Text to Speech Conversion In Notepad? This utility by windows can not only be u...

How to Create Strong Password To Secure Online Accounts

Ever since the evolution of technology, humans adapted to live a life in a virtual environment, now a day's it's not necessary for people to go live for purchases, shopping, medication and even getting socialized. Almost everything turned virtual, hence you need to secure your virtual presence online as well. You can stay safe & secure online by creating strong passwords, which should be set very difficult to make an assumption by others. Read Also: 7 Common Mistakes that Threatens Digital Life and Internet Security How to Create a Strong Password for the Internet: There exist a myth online that creating a strong password means, having too many characters-shuffled with each other. Having too many characters would be clumsy, which makes even the owner of that particular account forget what he gave at the time of creating the account. Secure Your Online Accounts With Strong Password So to create a password that would be easy to remember for the account hol...